
When Whole Body Cooling becomes essential for treating an HIE impacted Newborn, then Revive is your solution. Revive, is a patented one-of-its-kind Therapeutic Hypothermia device with integrated Cerebral Function Monitoring. Revive not only provides servo-controlled Whole Body Cooling but also with built-in Brain Activity Monitoring via 3 channel EEG, Revive provides a comprehensive solution to address HIE treatment in Newborns.
Revive gives Clinician control over the treatment while providing insights on the progress. Revive is intelligent to complete the full treatment with least intervention or monitoring.

What makes Revive unique –

  • Servo-controlled Whole Body Cooling and Warming
  • Fully Automated requiring minimal Nurse/Clinician intervention
  • Brain Monitoring using Cerebral Function Monitoring (Optional)
  • Controlled Rewarming on same device
  • Display of Temperature Trend
  • USB retrieval of treatment data
  • Easy Setup in minutes
  • Bio-Compatible Body Wrap
  • Sleek design that snugly sits on a NICU warmer/ cart